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The time has come to unleash the Premium Hatchback Product, 1 Day to go. Please look at our website for futher updates. Booking Starts from 25th February 2022.

Product Lineup



To be recognized as a leading organization that values Customers’ needs and provides motoring solutions with strong customer care.

Why Choose us

Financing Made Easy

Our stress-free finance department that can find financial solutions to save you money.

Wide Range of Brands

With a New and Old car selection of popular vehicles on hand, as well as leading vehicles from Suzuki.

Trusted by Thousands

New offers every day. Suzuki offers on site, trusted by a community of thousands of users.

Car Service & Maintenance

Our service department maintain your car to stay safe on the road for many more years.


It is our Endeavor to provide top quality services to our valued customers to their entire requirement and satisfaction, through our After Sales Network across Pakistan.

Our Dealers’ workshops with skilled manpower to serve in all major cities are equipped with state of the art latest technology, tools & equipment’s and technical manpower to handle conventional and Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system.

Contact us

    Value for Money